Blair from Christchurch Trackdays approached us to design and build a new website.
The problem they had was the current website had no ecommerce or booking systems and everything was very much a manual process for the events and sign up including managing tickets and sales.
The solution we provided was a near fully automated website and system that allows members to sign up and create an account. From here they can then enter the different trackdays events and receive an automated membership discount depending on their subscription status. The website has many great features including an online shop and informative information pages.
This website has now taken care of many administrative and manual processes including handling payments. Not only is Blair super happy with Christchurch Trackday’s new e-commerce website, so are we!
This website really is a beast and has been one of our more technical website builds to date.
Head over and check out this awesome new website and see if you can see elements in the design that you could envision in your very own website.
Thank you again Blair and team for choosing MoMac as your preferred web partners.
View the finished website here –